Elizabeth McGeorge
University of Washington, NOAA Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory

Postdoctoral physical oceanographer at CICOES University of Washington and NOAA PMEL
Seattle, WA
Ph.D. Mathematics at University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand
He hiringa hangarau, he oranga tangata. Innovation in technology, for the benefit of all.
I am an early career researcher in oceanography. My research background is in computational fluid dynamics for inverse problems in geophysical fluid flows, focusing on ice sheet dynamics. I enjoy using mathematical models and computational methods to analyze complex environmental phenomena. Currently, I am researching mixing processes in the tropical Pacific region using observations from Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs). My goal is to help advance understanding of ocean dynamics in the tropical Pacific, which will help predict large scale climate events, such as El-Nino Southern Oscillation.
Reach out if you would like to explore potential collaborations or discuss shared interests in the mathematical and environmental sciences.